Thursday 16 June 2011

Sunshine today. Yippee. Hopefully still be sunny when I leave the office.
Early rise today, busy networking. Desperately trying to clear work off desk in time for holidays next weekend.  Off to South of France. Looking forward to it.
Hopefully my daughter's torn ligaments will have improved and my son's sore stomache issue resolved. We await x-ray results and blood test results respectively. The joys of parenthood.

My bestest mate is 40 tomorrow. She is too busy attending her little girl's dance shows to celebrate. How poor is that. She has only herself to blame for indulging her little girl in dance classes. I was first to have kids and I relayed the horrors of dance shows in great detail many moons ago so she had been warned. Hell mend her. Must remind her to take a mask to help reduce the intake of hairspray and spray glitter.

My husband says I am just bitter as my little girl ditched dance classes to play football at the first given opportunity. Not much room for hairspray and glitter there. And very fews teams play in pink. It is a girls team for goodness sake so what is the issue. She has always been a disappointment. The baby Annabelle I bought with great delight 9 years ago is still in it's original clothes. My entire "Sindy" collection remains in my parent's loft and my "Princess Diana" scrapbooks gather dust in my wardrobe. She is just not interested.

I despair when I iron (ok when I put away the clothes my husband has ironed) that there is no pink, no dresses and only a school skirt and even that is shorter than I would like. My blonde, blue eyed girl should not be kitted out in shin guards, under armour and the like. I shouldn't even know what a shin guard is.

Bodyform should snap her up for advertising mind you. She is the epitomy of those adverts playing footie, swimming, doing athletics and the like without a care for her "time of the month". All we need is a water tower for her to climb up and we are laughing.

Anyway enough.. better do some work

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