Wednesday 15 June 2011

Second thoughts

Can't believe I have just blogged. I am so impressed with myself. I would be more impressed with myself if I got the dog's bedding out of the washing machine but I don't believe in showing other's up so I won't be that smart. I would also be more impressed if I wasn't trying to watch Ben and Holly while blogging.

So where was I? Yes what happened to the past 22 years? 18 doesn't seem that long ago. What is fabulous is that I am still bestest friends with 4 girls I was bestest friends with at 18. We are all 40 this year and have booked a trip to a fabby spa hotel in Spain next month. No weans and most importantly no men to blame. We haven't been away together for more than a night for 20 years. It will not be a repeat of Ibiza in '89 or Tenerife in '91 but it will be memorable nonetheless.

Oh my middle son has arrived home from footie practice. Best go be an interested parent. Apparently that is what is expected of a mother!! Like I said I blame men.

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