Monday 20 August 2012

Rubbish blogger

So much for regular blog. Now age 41 and in a new job. Girls managed an overnight in Troon this year but are planning a trip to Rome next year. Another 3 hangers on coming too.  Kids keep growing and rain continues to fall - it's summer again.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Zippy and George

What a fun night the last of the 40th parties turned out to be. Everyone made an effort with their costumes and great fun was had by all. Zippy and George singing karaoke is a vision I will forever treasure. The lounge was transformed into Fury Murrays and I particularly enjoyed a wee head bang to "Come as you are". I hear Captain McG spent hours cleaning her windows the next day such was the effect of the smoke machine. Kevin Bacon (no one was dressed as Kevin Bacon - see previous post) threw some moves and Supergirl and Alexis Carrington posed for many a photo. The lifesize cardboard cut out from The Shining hidden in the smoke was quite disturbing though. Thanks for that G.
My team (which consisted of me and J who must have drank her way throught the 80s) did very poorly in the quiz. I must aplogise to J though for the grief I gave her only to discover later she was driving and therefore sober - sorry J - but please swot up next time.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Guess the party has to end..

So Saturday sees the last of the 40th parties. Captain McG's husband is having an 80s themed do and that is it. Everyone is 40. Don't see us getting to celebrate quite so much for 41.
Been a good year. 3 of the girls spent a weekend in London to see Barry Manilow, we all went to Take That and then we had our break in Spain.
4 of us have booked for Barry next May and I've got my Snow Patrol tickets so next year shaping up. Starting a new job in a few weeks as well.
Getting older or more importantly the kids getting older means we can do more things. There was a few years where concerts were things I used to attend. But in recent years I have found myself at quite a few. The Script, Kylie and Take That this year alone.
My daughter turned 13 on Wednesday. Can't quite believe I am the mother of a teenager. How did that happen? and more to the point what was I doing while she reached 13 and 5 foot 6 inches??

Thursday 16 June 2011

Sunshine today. Yippee. Hopefully still be sunny when I leave the office.
Early rise today, busy networking. Desperately trying to clear work off desk in time for holidays next weekend.  Off to South of France. Looking forward to it.
Hopefully my daughter's torn ligaments will have improved and my son's sore stomache issue resolved. We await x-ray results and blood test results respectively. The joys of parenthood.

My bestest mate is 40 tomorrow. She is too busy attending her little girl's dance shows to celebrate. How poor is that. She has only herself to blame for indulging her little girl in dance classes. I was first to have kids and I relayed the horrors of dance shows in great detail many moons ago so she had been warned. Hell mend her. Must remind her to take a mask to help reduce the intake of hairspray and spray glitter.

My husband says I am just bitter as my little girl ditched dance classes to play football at the first given opportunity. Not much room for hairspray and glitter there. And very fews teams play in pink. It is a girls team for goodness sake so what is the issue. She has always been a disappointment. The baby Annabelle I bought with great delight 9 years ago is still in it's original clothes. My entire "Sindy" collection remains in my parent's loft and my "Princess Diana" scrapbooks gather dust in my wardrobe. She is just not interested.

I despair when I iron (ok when I put away the clothes my husband has ironed) that there is no pink, no dresses and only a school skirt and even that is shorter than I would like. My blonde, blue eyed girl should not be kitted out in shin guards, under armour and the like. I shouldn't even know what a shin guard is.

Bodyform should snap her up for advertising mind you. She is the epitomy of those adverts playing footie, swimming, doing athletics and the like without a care for her "time of the month". All we need is a water tower for her to climb up and we are laughing.

Anyway enough.. better do some work

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Second thoughts

Can't believe I have just blogged. I am so impressed with myself. I would be more impressed with myself if I got the dog's bedding out of the washing machine but I don't believe in showing other's up so I won't be that smart. I would also be more impressed if I wasn't trying to watch Ben and Holly while blogging.

So where was I? Yes what happened to the past 22 years? 18 doesn't seem that long ago. What is fabulous is that I am still bestest friends with 4 girls I was bestest friends with at 18. We are all 40 this year and have booked a trip to a fabby spa hotel in Spain next month. No weans and most importantly no men to blame. We haven't been away together for more than a night for 20 years. It will not be a repeat of Ibiza in '89 or Tenerife in '91 but it will be memorable nonetheless.

Oh my middle son has arrived home from footie practice. Best go be an interested parent. Apparently that is what is expected of a mother!! Like I said I blame men.