Tuesday 22 November 2011

Guess the party has to end..

So Saturday sees the last of the 40th parties. Captain McG's husband is having an 80s themed do and that is it. Everyone is 40. Don't see us getting to celebrate quite so much for 41.
Been a good year. 3 of the girls spent a weekend in London to see Barry Manilow, we all went to Take That and then we had our break in Spain.
4 of us have booked for Barry next May and I've got my Snow Patrol tickets so next year shaping up. Starting a new job in a few weeks as well.
Getting older or more importantly the kids getting older means we can do more things. There was a few years where concerts were things I used to attend. But in recent years I have found myself at quite a few. The Script, Kylie and Take That this year alone.
My daughter turned 13 on Wednesday. Can't quite believe I am the mother of a teenager. How did that happen? and more to the point what was I doing while she reached 13 and 5 foot 6 inches??